Chef with Purpose PODCAST
Welcome to the Chef with Purpose Podcast with me Stephanie Heller. I’m a personal chef with a mind for business and profits. Having a personal chef service for 13 years has taught me a lot about business, life, food and people.
In this podcast you will learn not just the ‘how’ of booking high-end clients but the mindset, accountability and true recipe for how to become a fully booked personal chef once and for all.

How to Open the Door to High-End Clients
Are you ready to become the chef that high-end clients are looking for? You may feel nervous or intimidated cooking for these clients, but you’ll quickly learn that they are just regular people like you who want good food in their homes. Tune in to this episode for the tools that will help you feel confident and ready to take on the opportunity!

3 Marketing Basics for Personal Chefs
Think of a triangle with the client need/problem at the top, core services on the right, and pricing on the left. Imagine that each side is a string; if you pull one string too much, the other sides will be strained or the triangle will fall apart completely. That’s exactly what you don’t want to happen! Listen to this episode to learn how to keep each side of the triangle aligned in your business.

Best Ways To Take Payment
You have your first client and you’re ready to get paid. Now what? Cash, check, credit card, Venmo, PayPal…which payment option do you choose? You want to be in control of the payment but you also want your client to rebook and feel comfortable. Even if you’re just starting out as a personal chef, it’s important to have a system in place so it’s easier for your business to grow. I break it down for you in this episode.

How To Get Things Done When You Don’t Want To
If you’re like most people, there’s probably way more than you can handle on your to-do list… so let me help you out a bit. I recorded this podcast episode with you in mind! Listen to this latest episode for tips, tricks, and takeaways on how to get more done in your business.

4 Metrics That Matter For Personal Chefs
When was the last time you took a step back to see where your business is? Let’s do it together, right now. I want you to think of those signs you see at the mall that has a map with a large arrow that says, “You are here.” This is what we’re going to do with your personal chef business! You need to know where you are so you can decide where you want to go.

Stop Selling Food, Sell This Instead
Listen to this episode to learn how to position yourself so you’re not competing with food. Let’s be real. You can get food anywhere. A vending machine, restaurant, take-out, etc. It’s time to stop competing with food and start selling what really matters to your client: feelings of comfort, being taken care of, luxury, health and wellness, relief, and time.

How To Set Up And Run A Consult Call
In this week’s episode, you’ll learn all about how to set up and run a consult call! Consult calls are usually the first interaction you have with potential clients. If the call goes well, it could result in a long, mutually beneficial relationship with a client…which is just a fancy way of saying you make $$$!

Sample Menu Post-It Note Party
In this episode, I teach you a fun way to get your creative juices flowing so you can finally create your sample menus! Grab some Post-It Notes and markers, turn up the music, pour yourself a glass of wine, and let’s make booking clients an easier and faster process.

Must-Know Definitions for Every Personal Chef
In the personal chef world, there are all kinds of definitions and lingo you may hear. Today I’m going to cover 5 must-know definitions that will help you explain and offer your services to clients so they can say yes!

Welcome to the Chef with Purpose Podcast with me Stephanie Heller. I’m a personal chef with a mind for business and profits. Having a personal chef service for 13 years has taught me a lot about business, life, food and people. I believe being a personal chef is one of the best businesses for culinary lovers to make an impact helping people while making serious dough.